Remember in the beginning of my post here, I mentioned that hubs and I were trying to makeover our master bedroom? Well, here's a special post about it. Allow to me to first wish you a very Happy New Year! May you have a happy and prosperous year this year, InsyaAllah...Amiin. Secondly, do forgive me for the quality of the photos in this entry as they were captured only using my Blackberry ;P
Late December last year, hubs and I decided to make over our master bedroom. Previously, when we first moved into this new house, we only painted the other 2 bedrooms and didn't do anything to our master bedroom at that time. Mind you, I was 7 and a half months pregnant at that time and had a minor bleeding due to all that painting and cleaning up. Therefore, we did not paint our master bedroom.
Just a few days before the year 2012 ended, we had a bedroom makeover. Sent off Kaisara to school so that both hubs and I are able to paint our room. This is our first house that we bought together. It's a condo unit located on the ground floor with a view facing the swimming pool. When we first saw it, we instantly fell in love with it and decided to purchase it straight away. Little that we know, the unit has a minor or should I say major problem :(
Having a condo unit, located on a ground floor is very convenient but since it's very near to the swimming pool...we had a major problem that involves moisture. When there's a lot of moisture in the house, udara jadi lembab and hence mold started to appear a lot mostly on our wooden furniture. We had to get rid of the wooden furniture one by one. And thank God, our bed is made from steel. Obviously, health wise...this unit is not safe to live in especially after having Kaisara. Kesian dekat dia nanti :(
So, our 2 wardrobes located in the master bedroom had to be thrown out sebab mold dah tumbuh dekat belakang almari tu sampai jadi hitam! Ngeri tengok!! What's left of wooden furniture in our room are the towel racks, a chest of drawers and 2 chests which are made from rattan. The rest are either plastic or steel. My MIL advised me that I should get some sort of oil liquid and rub it on the wooden furniture to prevent mold from appearing. I took her advise and so far, it has been a week and there is no sign of mold yet to be seen and I hope and pray that there is none though.
I didn't manage to take the before photos of the room before we painted and moved the furniture around. I only remembered to do so when we painted a layer of white paint for coating. Here are the pics!
Here's the wall near to our bedroom windows. A nice view of the swimming pool can be seen from here ;)
That's our bedroom door! See that RED wall on the top left of this pic? That's the original color of our room. Oh, that's one of the wardrobe that we threw out!
Our steel bed! It's original location is just pushed back against the wall behind it. The windows are on the left of this photo. Oh, and that's another wardrobe that we threw out. This one was totally black behind it! Horror!!!
After the makeover! No more wardrobe. It's an open wardrobe concept. Everything is hanged on to the wall. Oopps, that's a Premium Beautiful Waist Nipper! Is that mine?! Hehe ;P
Hubs did not have that many clothes like I do, thus there's only a rack for his work clothes, baju Melayu and suits. His folded clothes are placed in that steel rack (middle right of the photo above) that we bought from Ikea. On the right side of hubs hanging rack is some of my baju kurung. I placed them on a hanging rack with wheels, can be pushed around here and there. Wait till you see my rack that's attached to the wall...
Tadaaaa!! *faints* I have THREE racks attached to the right wall and another ONE attached on the left side of this photo! I feel like I have my own boutique. Hehe ;P This is after I got rid of the clothes that I no longer want or fit into anymore. I also have that steel rack (placed under the hanged clothes) for my folded clothes along with that black rack behind the bedroom door. That one is also for my folded clothes! YES, I know...I have a LOT of CLOTHES! *sigh* Kebanyakan baju yang ada ni are baju-baju untuk functions and I even keep my late mother's wedding dress. Wedding dress arwah Mummy pun banyak! I even have my late great grandmother's traditional songket kebaya! One of a kind!
New location for our bed and Kaisara's cot. Oh, yes! That long kebaya in cream on the left side of this pic is still available to be given away...provided that you're an S or M size! You can refer to one of the album that I uploaded on my facebook. Hehe ;D
Our room was painted with the color peach. Now the whole house has the same color. We have been sleeping in our room for a week now and Alhamdulillah, rasa sungguh selesa.
P.S. The downside of this makeover was that there was too much dust! I'm allergic to dust especially kalau banyak. After habis cat bilik and rearrange furniture, rashes merah-merah naik satu badan sampai jadi gatal. Dah jumpa Doc baru okay and doc cadang belikan hydro cleaner rather than the normal vacuum cleaner. Okay, after this nak cari hydro cleaner pula! ;D
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